Designing Modular MWR Systems For Your Budget
At Celebrity Systems we recognize that finding funding for MWR programs can sometimes be a serious challenge. When your list of desired improvements is long, but the budget is limited, Celebrity can work with you to prioritize your projects while building a roadmap for future funding cycles. All of our systems are designed to be modular and expandable so that you can grow your capabilities at your own pace.
Celebrity’s FEEDS Principle
Our core product and system design philosophy is based on the FEEDS Principle. This means that all of Celebrity’s turnkey products and AV installations are built to be:
When it comes to working on a budget we focus on the two Es. Engineering Expandability into our systems means that you can eventually have all of the functionality that you want for your facility, but don’t have to pay for it all today. Providing Economical solutions requires close attention to the core capabilities that are actually required for a project and the ability to creatively specify and source the right components for the job. These are both things that Celebrity excels at.
Needs Assessment
When customers come to us with a a desire to upgrade or modernize their AV or entertainment systems the first thing that we do is take a detailed look at their needs vs available funding. It is very rare that program managers have the opportunity to fund all of their desired improvements at one time, so we work with them to separate out their wants vs. needs. Typically their requirements break down into:
Capabilities that are mission critical today
Capabilities that will be needed in the near future
Upgrades that would be nice to have should additional funding become available.
With priorities ranked we can start to split the larger project into smaller chunks that each add capabilities individually, but will ultimately work together as a complete system.
We start with the full scope of your project vision.
And break it down into achievable steps.
Mission Critical
When funding is very tight we focus on mission critical systems. These immediate needs usually revolve around legacy equipment that is broken or extremely antiquated. Maybe the sound isn’t working in your event center or a projector has become so old that it is no longer delivering a clear image. You need to get these components up and running, so the goal is to dial in a minimal solution that fits within your budget right now.
The AV rack that needed replacing during stage 1 of a recent installation project.
If your wiring looks like this then upgrading your control system should be a high priority.
Celebrity recently went through this process with the Admiral Kidd Catering and Conference Center. They had a very specific budget with key equipment upgrades that needed to be taken care of. Our engineering team worked with them to determine their core objectives and specified components that would get them where they wanted to be without breaking the bank.
Future Capabilities
The real magic to Celebrity’s design process is that while we are creating a solution to meet mission critical needs we are also building in capacity to expand for future capabilities. This allows our customers to complete larger improvement projects over the course of several years while still coming away with added benefits after each project stage.
The Big Bad Game Box is just one example of a Celebrity product designed with future capabilities in mind. With a modular housing and space for to grow new gaming consoles or media players can be added as technology advances.
Leaving open slots in electronics racks is just one of the many ways that we prepare our systems for future expansion.
Value Added Upgrades
Whether an unexpected pocket of funding opened up, you have end of year money to spend, or a project ran so far under budget that there is room to add extra value, Celebrity can help you to get the most bang for your buck. We will identify areas for improvement, possible future needs and products from on our AFNAF contract that offer the greatest utility for your funding dollars.
Contract Vehicles
Another way that Celebrity helps customers to fit projects within your budget is by offering several contracting options with fixed discounted prices. Many of our turnkey systems are available on GSA and through our AFNAF price list with special government only rates. For AV installations our AFNAF contract covers both components and labor expenses, allowing for seamless project completion through one contract vehicle.
Contact Us
If you have a limited budget, but big dreams for your MWR facility, please contact the Celebrity team and we can work with you to break the project down into achievable phases.